catkin create – Create Packages

This verb enables you to quickly create workspace elements like boilerplate Catkin packages.

Full Command-Line Interface

usage: catkin create [-h] {pkg} ...

Creates a catkin workspace

positional arguments:
  {pkg}       sub-command help
    pkg       Create a catkin package.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
usage: catkin create pkg [-h] [--rosdistro ROSDISTRO] [-v MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH]
                         [-l LICENSE] [-m NAME EMAIL] [-a NAME EMAIL]
                         [-d DESCRIPTION] [--catkin-deps [DEP [DEP ...]]]
                         [--system-deps [DEP [DEP ...]]]
                         [--boost-components [COMP [COMP ...]]]

Create a new Catkin package. Note that while the default options used by this
command are sufficient for prototyping and local usage, it is important that
any publically-available packages have a valid license and a valid maintainer
e-mail address.

positional arguments:
  PKGNAME               The name of the package to create. This name should be
                        completely lower-case with individual words separated
                        by undercores.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rosdistro ROSDISTRO
                        The ROS distro (default: environment variable
                        ROS_DISTRO if defined)

Package Metadata:
                        Initial package version. (default 0.0.0)
  -l LICENSE, --license LICENSE
                        The software license under which the code is
                        distributed, such as BSD, MIT, GPLv3, or others.
                        (default: "TODO")
  -m NAME EMAIL, --maintainer NAME EMAIL
                        A maintainer who is responsible for the package.
                        (default: [username, username@todo.todo]) (multiple
  -a NAME EMAIL, --author NAME EMAIL
                        An author who contributed to the package. (default: no
                        additional authors) (multiple allowed)
                        Description of the package. (default: empty)

Package Dependencies:
  --catkin-deps [DEP [DEP ...]], -c [DEP [DEP ...]]
                        The names of one or more Catkin dependencies. These
                        are Catkin-based packages which are either built as
                        source or installed by your system's package manager.
  --system-deps [DEP [DEP ...]], -s [DEP [DEP ...]]
                        The names of one or more system dependencies. These
                        are other packages installed by your operating
                        system's package manager.

C++ Options:
  --boost-components [COMP [COMP ...]]
                        One or more boost components used by the package.