catkin config – Configure a Workspace

The config verb can be used to both view and mapiulate a workspace’s configuration options. These options include all of the elements listed in thr configuration summary.

By default, the config verb gets and sets options for a workspace’s active profile. If no profiles have been specified for a workspace, this is a default profile named default.


Calling catkin config on an uninitialied workspace will not automatically initialize it unless it is used with the --init option.

Viewing the Configuration Summary

Once a workspace has been initialized, the configuration summary can be displayed by calling catkin config without arguments from anywhere under the root of the workspace. Doing so will not modify your workspace. The catkin command is context-sensitive, so it will determine which workspace contains the current working directory.

Appending or Removing List-Type Arguments

Several configuration options are actually lists of values. Normally for these options, the given values will replace the current values in the configuration.

If you would only like to modify, but not replace the value of a list-type option, you can use the -a / --append-args and -r / --remove-args options to append or remove elements from these lists, respectively.

List-type options include:

  • --cmake-args
  • --make-args
  • --catkin-make-args
  • --whitelist
  • --blacklist

Installing Packages

Without any additional arguments, packages are not “installed” using the standard CMake install() targets. Addition of the --install option will configure a workspace so that it creates an install space and write the products of all install targets to that FHS tree. The contents of the install space, which, by default, is located in a directory named install will look like the following:

$ ls ./install bin           etc            include
lib            setup.bash       setup.zsh      share

Explicitly Specifying Workspace Chaining

Normally, a catkin workspace automatically “extends” the other workspaces that have previously been sourced in your environment. Each time you source a catkin setup file from a result-space (devel-space or install-space), it sets the $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in your environment, and this is used to build the next workspace. This is also sometimes referred to as “workspace chaining” and sometimes the extended workspace is referred to as a “parent” workspace.

With catkin config, you can explicitly set the workspace you want to extend, using the --extend argument. This is equivalent to sourcing a setup file, building, and then reverting to the environment before sourcing the setup file.

Note that in case the desired parent workspace is different from one already being used, using the --extend argument also necessitates cleaning the setup files from your workspace with catkin clean.

For example, regardless of your current environment variable settings (like $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH), this will build your workspace against the /opt/ros/hydro install space.

First start with an empty CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and initialize, build, and source a workspace:


$ mkdir -p /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws/src
$ cd /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws
$ catkin init
Profile:                     default
Extending:                   None
Workspace:                   /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws
Workspace configuration appears valid.

$ cd /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws
$ catkin create pkg aaa
$ catkin create pkg bbb
$ catkin create pkg ccc
$ catkin build

$ source devel/setup.bash

$ catkin config
Profile:                     default
Extending:                   None
Workspace:                   /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws
Workspace configuration appears valid.

At this point you have a workspace which doesn’t extend anything. If you realize this after the fact, you can explicitly tell it to extend another workspace. Suppose you wanted to extend a standard ROS system install like /opt/ros/hydro. This can be done with the --extend option:

$ catkin config --extend /opt/ros/hydro
Profile:                     default
Extending:        [explicit] /opt/ros/hydro
Workspace:                   /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws
Source Space:       [exists] /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws/src
Build Space:       [missing] /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws/build
Devel Space:       [missing] /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws/devel
Install Space:     [missing] /tmp/path/to/my_catkin_ws/install
DESTDIR:                     None
Isolate Develspaces:         False
Install Packages:            False
Isolate Installs:            False
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.

$ catkin clean --setup-files
$ catkin build

$ source devel/setup.bash

Whitelisting and Blacklisting Packages

Packages can be added to a package whitelist or blacklist in order to change which packages get built. If the whitelist is non-empty, then a call to catkin build with no specific package names will only build the packages on the whitelist. This means that you can still build packages not on the whitelist, but only if they are named explicitly or are dependencies of other whitelisted packages.

To set the whitelist, you can call the following command:

To clear the whitelist, you can use the --no-whitelist option:

catkin config --no-whitelist

If the blacklist is non-empty, it will filter the packages to be built in all cases except where a given package is named explicitly. This means that blacklisted packages will not be built even if another package in the workspace depends on them.


Blacklisting a package does not remove it’s build directory or build products, it only pevents it from being rebuilt.

To set the blacklist, you can call the following command:

To clear the blacklist, you can use the --no-blacklist option:

catkin config --no-blacklist

Note that you can still build packages on the blacklist and whitelist by passing their names to catkin build explicitly.

Full Command-Line Interface

usage: catkin config [-h] [--workspace WORKSPACE] [--profile PROFILE]
                     [--append-args | --remove-args] [--init]
                     [--extend EXTEND_PATH | --no-extend] [--mkdirs]
                     [--whitelist PKG [PKG ...] | --no-whitelist]
                     [--blacklist PKG [PKG ...] | --no-blacklist]
                     [-s SOURCE_SPACE | --default-source-space]
                     [-b BUILD_SPACE | --default-build-space]
                     [-d DEVEL_SPACE | --default-devel-space]
                     [-i INSTALL_SPACE | --default-install-space]
                     [-x SPACE_SUFFIX] [--isolate-devel | --merge-devel]
                     [--install | --no-install]
                     [--isolate-install | --merge-install]
                     [--parallel-jobs PARALLEL_JOBS]
                     [--cmake-args ARG [ARG ...] | --no-cmake-args]
                     [--make-args ARG [ARG ...] | --no-make-args]
                     [--catkin-make-args ARG [ARG ...] |

This verb is used to configure a catkin workspace's configuration and layout.
Calling `catkin config` with no arguments will display the current config and
affect no changes if a config already exists for the current workspace and

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace WORKSPACE, -w WORKSPACE
                        The path to the catkin_tools workspace or a directory
                        contained within it (default: ".")
  --profile PROFILE     The name of a config profile to use (default: active

  Options affecting argument handling.

  --append-args, -a     For list-type arguments, append elements.
  --remove-args, -r     For list-type arguments, remove elements.

Workspace Context:
  Options affecting the context of the workspace.

  --init                Initialize a workspace if it does not yet exist.
                        Explicitly extend the result-space of another catkin
                        workspace, overriding the value of $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.
  --no-extend           Un-set the explicit extension of another workspace as
                        set by --extend.
  --mkdirs              Create directories required by the configuration (e.g.
                        source space) if they do not already exist.

Package Build Defaults:
  Packages to include or exclude from default build behavior.

  --whitelist PKG [PKG ...]
                        Set the packages on the whitelist. If the whitelist is
                        non-empty, only the packages on the whitelist are
                        built with a bare call to `catkin build`.
  --no-whitelist        Clear all packages from the whitelist.
  --blacklist PKG [PKG ...]
                        Set the packages on the blacklist. Packages on the
                        blacklist are not built with a bare call to `catkin
  --no-blacklist        Clear all packages from the blacklist.

  Location of parts of the catkin workspace.

  -s SOURCE_SPACE, --source-space SOURCE_SPACE
                        The path to the source space.
                        Use the default path to the source space ("src")
  -b BUILD_SPACE, --build-space BUILD_SPACE
                        The path to the build space.
                        Use the default path to the build space ("build")
  -d DEVEL_SPACE, --devel-space DEVEL_SPACE
                        Sets the target devel space
                        Sets the default target devel space ("devel")
  -i INSTALL_SPACE, --install-space INSTALL_SPACE
                        Sets the target install space
                        Sets the default target install space ("install")
  -x SPACE_SUFFIX, --space-suffix SPACE_SUFFIX
                        Suffix for build, devel, and install space if they are
                        not otherwise explicitly set.

Devel Space:
  Options for configuring the structure of the devel space.

  --isolate-devel       Build products from each catkin package into isolated
                        devel spaces.
  --merge-devel         Build products from each catkin package into a single
                        merged devel spaces.

Install Space:
  Options for configuring the structure of the install space.

  --install             Causes each package to be installed to the install
  --no-install          Disables installing each package into the install
  --isolate-install     Install each catkin package into a separate install
  --merge-install       Install each catkin package into a single merged
                        install space.

Build Options:
  Options for configuring the way packages are built.

  --parallel-jobs PARALLEL_JOBS, --parallel PARALLEL_JOBS, -p PARALLEL_JOBS
                        Maximum number of packages which could be built in
                        parallel (default is cpu count)
  --cmake-args ARG [ARG ...]
                        Arbitrary arguments which are passes to CMake. It must
                        be passed after other arguments since it collects all
                        following options.
  --no-cmake-args       Pass no additional arguments to CMake.
  --make-args ARG [ARG ...]
                        Arbitrary arguments which are passes to make.It must
                        be passed after other arguments since it collects all
                        following options.
  --no-make-args        Pass no additional arguments to make (does not affect
  --catkin-make-args ARG [ARG ...]
                        Arbitrary arguments which are passes to make but only
                        for catkin packages.It must be passed after other
                        arguments since it collects all following options.
                        Pass no additional arguments to make for catkin
                        packages (does not affect --make-args).