Workspace Mechanics

This chapter defines how Catkin workspaces are organized and used, as well as some standardized nomenclature for describing elements of a Catkin workspace. Unlike integrated development environments (IDEs) which normally only manage single projects, the purpose of Catkin is to enable the simultaneous compilation of numerous independently-authored projects. As such, these projects need to be organized in a “workspace” which contains both the source and build products for a collection of “packages.”

Anatomy of a Catkin Workspace

A standard catkin workspace, as defined by REP-0128, is a folder with a prescribed set “spaces”, each of which is normally a folder within the workspace:

  • source space – default: ./src
  • build space – default: ./build
  • devel space – default: ./devel
  • install space – default: ./install

Though there are standard conventions for the layout and names of the workspace’s various spaces, they can be renamed for a given build using the catkin config verb.

source space

The source space is where the code for your packages resides and normally is in the folder /path/to/workspace/src. The build command considers source space to be read-only, in that during a build no files or folders should be created or modified in that folder. Therefore catkin workspaces are said to be built “out of source”, which simply means that the folder in which you build your code is not under or part of the folder with contains the source code.

build space

Temporary build files are put into the build space, which by default is in the /path/to/workspace/build folder. The build space is the working directory in which commands like cmake and make are run.

devel space

Generated files, like executables, libraries, pkg-config files, CMake config files, or message code, are placed in the devel space. By convention the devel space is located as a peer to the source space and build space in the /path/to/workspace/devel folder. The layout of the devel space is intended to mimic the root of an FHS filesystem, with folders like include, lib, bin, and share. Running code is possible from devel space because references to the source space are created.

install space

Finally, if the packages in the workspace are setup for installing, the --install option can be invoked to install the packages to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, which in REP-0128 terms is the install space. The install space, like the devel space, has an FHS layout along with some generated setup files. The install space is set to /path/to/workspace/install by changing the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX by default. This is done to prevent users from accidentally trying to install to the normal CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX path, /usr/local. Unlike the devel space, the install space is completely standalone and does not require the source space or build space to function, and is suitable for packaging.

Additional Workspace Directories with catkin_tools

Hidden Marker / Config Directory

In addition to the standard workspace structure, catkin_tools also adds a marker directory called .catkin_tools at the root of the workspace. This directory both acts as a marker for the root of the workspace and contains persistent configuration information.

This directory contains subdirectories representing different configuration profiles, and inside of each profile directory are YAML files which contain verb-specific metadata. It additionally contains a file which lists the name of the active configuration profile if it is different than default.

Build Log Directory

Another addition is the build_logs directory which is generated in the build space and contains individual build logs for each package.

Environment Setup Files

In addition to the FHS folders, some setup scripts are generated in the devel space, e.g. setup.bash or setup.zsh. These setup scripts are intended to make it easier to use the resulting devel space for building on top of the packages that were just built or for running programs built by those packages. The setup script can be used like this in bash:

$ source /path/to/workspace/devel/setup.bash

Or like this in zsh:

% source /path/to/workspace/devel/setup.zsh

Sourcing these setup scripts adds this workspace and any “underlaid” workspaces to your environment, prefixing the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, PKG_CONFIG_PATH, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CPATH, and PYTHONPATH with local workspace folders.

The setup scripts will also execute any shell hooks exported by packages in the workspace, which is how roslib, for example, sets the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable.


Like the devel space, the install space includes setup.* and related files at the top of the file hierarchy. This is not suitable for some packaging systems, so this can be disabled by passing the -DCATKIN_BUILD_BINARY_PACKAGE="1" option to cmake using the --cmake-args option for this verb. Though this will suppress the installation of the setup files, you will loose the functionality provided by them, namely extending the environment and executing environment hooks.

Workspace Packages and Dependencies

A workspace’s packages consist of any packages found in the source space. A package is any folder which contains a package.xml as defined in REP-0127.

The catkin build command determines the order in which packages are built based on the depend, build_depend, run_depend, and build_type tags in a package’s package.xml file.

  • The *_depend tags are used to determine the topological build order of the packages.
  • The build_type tag is used to determine which build work flow to use on the package.

Packages without an explicitly defined build_type tag are assumed to be catkin packages, but plain CMake packages can be built by adding a package.xml file to the root of their source tree with the build_type flag set to cmake and appropriate build_depend and run_depend tags set, as described in REP-0136. This has been done in the past for building packages like opencv, pcl, and flann.

Understanding the Build Process

Legacy Catkin Workflow

The core Catkin meta-buildsystem was originally designed in order to efficiently build numerous inter-dependent, but separately developed, CMake projects. This was developed by the Robot Operating System (ROS) community, originally as a successor to the standard meta-buildtool rosbuild. The ROS community’s distributed development model with many modular projects and the need for building distributable binary packages motivated the design of a system which efficiently merged numerous disparate projects so that they utilize a single target dependency tree and build space.

To facilitate this “merged” build process, a workspace’s source space would contain boiler-plate “top-level” CMakeLists.txt which automatically added all of the Catkin CMake projects below it to the single large CMake project.

Then the user would build this collection of projects like a single unified CMake project with a workflow similar to the standard CMake out-of-source build workflow. They would all be configured with one invocation of cmake and subsequently targets would be built with one or more invocations of make:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../src
$ make

In order to help automate the merged build process, Catkin was distributed with a command-line tool called catkin_make. This command automated the above CMake work flow while setting some variables according to standard conventions. These defaults would result in the execution of the following commands:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../src -DCATKIN_DEVEL_SPACE=../devel -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
$ make -j<number of cores> -l<number of cores> [optional target, e.g. install]

An advantage of this approach is that the total configuration would be smaller than configuring each package individually and that the Make targets can be parallelized even amongst dependent packages.

In practice, however, it also means that in large workspaces, modification of the CMakeLists.txt of one package would necessitate the reconfiguration of all packages in the entire workspace.

A critical flaw of this approach, however, is that there is no fault isolation. An error in a leaf package (package with no dependencies) will prevent all packages from configuring. Packages might have colliding target names. The merged build process can even cause CMake errors to go undetected if one package defines variables needed by another one, and can depend on the order in which independent packages are built. Since packages are merged into a single CMake invocation, this approach also requires developers to specify explicit dependencies on some targets inside of their dependencies.

Another disadvantage of the merged build process is that it can only work on a homogeneous workspace consisting only of Catkin CMake packages. Other types of packages like plain CMake packages and autotools packages cannot be integrated into a single configuration and a single build step.

Isolated Catkin Workflow

The numerous drawbacks of the merged build process and the catkin_make tool motivated the development of the catkin_make_isolated tool. In contrast to catkin_make, the catkin_make_isolated command uses an isolated build process, wherein each package is independently configured, built, and loaded into the environment.

This way, each package is built in isolation and the next packages are built on the atomic result of the current one. This resolves the issues with target collisions, target dependency management, and other undesirable cross-talk between projects. This also allows for the homogeneous automation of other buildtools like the plain CMake or autotools.

The isolated workflow also enabled the following features:

  • Allowing building of part of a workspace
  • Building Catkin and non-Catkin projects into a single devel space
  • Building packages without re-configuring or re-building their dependencies
  • Removing the requirement that all packages in the workspace are free of CMake errors before any packages can be built

There are, however, still some problems with catkin_make_isolated. First, it is dramatically slower than catkin_make since it cannot parallelize the building of targets or even packages which do not depend on each other. It also lacks robustness to changes in the list of packages in the workspace. Since it is a “released” tool, it also has strict API stability requirements.

Parallel Isolated Catkin Workflow and catkin build

The limitations of catkin_make_isolated and the need for additional high-level build tools lead to the development of a parallel version of catkin make isolated, or pcmi, as part of Project Tango. pcmi later became the build verb of the catkin command included in this project.

As such, the principle behavior of the build verb is to build each package in isolation and in topological order while parallelizing the building of packages which do not depend on each other.

Other functional improvements over catkin_make and catkin_make_isolated include the following:

  • The use of sub-command “verbs” for better organization of build options and build-related functions
  • Robustly adapting a build when packages are added to or removed from the source space
  • Context-aware building of a given package based on the working directory
  • Utilization of persistent build metadata which catches common errors
  • Support for different build “profiles” in a single workspace
  • Explicit control of workspace chaining
  • Additional error-checking for common environment configuration errors
  • Numerous other command-line user-interface improvements

Workspace Chaining and the Importance of CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

Above, it’s mentioned that the Catkin setup files export numerous environment variables, including CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. Since CMake 2.6.0, the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is used when searching for include files, binaries, or libraries using the FIND_PACKAGE(), FIND_PATH(), FIND_PROGRAM(), or FIND_LIBRARY() CMake commands.

As such, this is also the primary way that Catkin “chains” workspaces together. When you build a Catkin workspace for the first time, it will automatically use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to find dependencies. After that compilation, the value will be cached internally by each project as well as the Catkin setup files and they will ignore any changes to your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable until they are cleaned.


Workspace chaining is the act of putting the products of one workspace A in the search scope of another workspace B. When describing the relationship between two such chained workspaces, A and B, it is said that workspace B extends workspace A and workspace A is extended by workspace B. This concept is also sometimes referred to as “overlaying” or “inheriting” a workspace.

Similarly, when you source a Catkin workspace’s setup file from a workspace’s devel space or install space, it prepends the path containing that setup file to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable. The next time you initialize a workspace, it will extend the workspace that you previously sourced.

On one hand, this makes it easy and automatic to chain workspaces. At the same time, however, previous tools like catkin_make and catkin_make_isolated had no easy mechanism for either making it obvious which workspace was being extended, nor did they provide features to explicitly extend a given workspace. This means that for users unaware of Catkin’s use of CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

Since it’s not expected that 100% of users will read this section of the documentation, the catkin program adds both configuration consistency checking for the value of CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and makes it obvious on each invocation which workspace is being extended. Furthermore, the catkin command adds an explicit extension interface to override the value of $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH with the catkin config --extend command.


While workspaces can be chained together to add search paths, invoking a build in one workspace will not cause products in any other workspace to be built.